
Thursday, May 14, 2015


Would you like to review material you taught and have your students feel that they play in class? Then Kahoot is for you. Kahoot is a great platform to create quizzes/games and is useful for alternative assessment. It engages students and creates fun and motivation and enables teachers to review any material taught. Students can use their cellphones/tablets/computers and the teacher needs a computer which is screened.

Here is a Kahoot tutorial but what is not mentioned in the tutorial is that teachers can dowload all the answers in an Excel sheet and in that way know exactly which material needs more review.

How to use Kahoot: Go to to create a quiz or to find a public quiz and edit it. Students go to enter a game-pin and start playing.
Here are ideas how to use Kahoot in the classroom 

This is an example of a kahoot  that I used with my 10th graders. I made this Kahoot public so that you can play it as well.
Have you used Kahoot? It will be great if you could share with me some Kahoots for EFL/ESL students.